Supplements are often touted as the end-all-be-all to curing your ailments and achieving athletic prowess. Have a creaky joint? Take omega-3s. Want to run a mile in under 6 minutes? Down a few caffeine pills.
We may be in the business of supplements at Elo but the truth is not all are created equal. Some supplements are supported by science while others offer no clear benefit and can even be harmful. Couple that with loose regulatory oversight, and you've got a dangerous mix.
In this edition, we're lifting the lid on supplements and providing more information on what we do at Elo to ensure you get the highest quality products. Plus, we're breaking down the science behind supplements for popular goals like stress, sleep and energy.
Here’s to feeling your best each and every day, Elos!
Read up on what we do at Elo to ensure your supplements are best in-class, and provide what you see on the label.
Energy supplements aren’t a golden ticket to skimp on sleep, but they can provide a welcome pick-me-up when lethargy strikes. Here are the best supplements for more energy, according to science.
Nothing fights fatigue like a good night's rest but getting to sleep and staying asleep can be a battle. Find out which supplements enhance sleepiness and promote a restful night according to the latest science.
Ashwagandha has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries for stress and sleep but is there any science to support these claims? Find out in our ultimate guide to ashwagandha.
Caffeine may delay fatigue and enhance endurance but too much can be damaging. And that's not the only sports supplements that can endanger your health.
While it's not a standalone strategy, emerging evidence suggests green tea extract may be beneficial for metabolic health. Check out this article for more information.
Disclaimer: The text, images, videos, and other media on this page are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to treat, diagnose or replace personalized medical care.