Happy new year! What have you resolved to do in 2022? Today, we're tackling arguably the most popular resolution of all: Weight loss.
If you're one of many trying to trim down this year there are a few things to keep in mind before you jump off the deep end:
#1. Weight loss is complicated and not just about food. Sleep, stress, exercise, gut health, medications and genetics are just a few of the myriad of factors that play into your shape and size.
#2. Rapidly overhauling your diet and exercise routine rarely leads to lasting results. Small, incremental changes matter and can add up to something much bigger over time.
#3. Understanding your 'why' is crucial for losing weight and keeping it off. Roughly 40% of resolution-makers abandon their goals in the first month. Unpacking your 'why' can help you stay motivated and overcome obstacles along the way.
Cheers to a happy and healthier new year, Elos!
Not getting enough quality sleep can have many negative health effects including unwanted weight gain. From increased appetite to metabolic dysfunction, here is what science has to say about the correlation between sleep and the number on the scale.
Despite your best intentions, high stress levels can thwart weight loss efforts and interfere with hunger and appetite regulation. This article explains how stress influences metabolism.
Want to lose weight without sacrificing hard-earned muscle? Adequate protein, complex carbs, strength training and well-timed meals can help preserve muscle while losing body fat.
Protein requires more energy to metabolize than other macronutrients, helps preserve muscle mass, and promotes fullness, but you don't need to go overboard to reap the weight management benefits.
Disclaimer: The text, images, videos, and other media on this page are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to treat, diagnose or replace personalized medical care.