How long does it take for berberine to work for weight loss?

This question is about GLP-1 & Weight Loss

Sarah Achleithner

Studies show that it can take between 8 weeks and three months for berberine to work for weight loss [




]. However, taking berberine supplements should not be the main solution for losing weight - a healthy diet and lifestyle changes are essential to maintain if you want continued weight loss.

Studies have found that berberine can affect metabolism and fat storage and may be effective in reducing and preventing obesity, lowering BMI and waist circumference, and keeping the weight off long-term [







Research also shows that berberine may promote modest weight loss in individuals with certain metabolic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, PCOS, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [





Even though berberine supplements may be helpful in your weight loss journey, supplementation is not right for everyone. Talk to your doctor to see if berberine is right for you and your weight loss needs.

man stepping on a white scale


  1. WebMD. (n.d.). Berberine: Are there health benefits?. WebMD.


  2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Berberine and weight loss: What you need to know. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.


  3. Och, A., Och, M., Nowak, R., Podgórska, D., & Podgórski, R. (2022). Berberine, a Herbal Metabolite in the Metabolic Syndrome: The Risk Factors, Course, and Consequences of the Disease. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 27(4), 1351.


  4. Asbaghi, O., Ghanbari, N., Shekari, M., Reiner, Ž., Amirani, E., Hallajzadeh, J., Mirsafaei, L., & Asemi, Z. (2020). The effect of berberine supplementation on obesity parameters, inflammation and liver function enzymes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clinical nutrition ESPEN, 38, 43–49.


  5. Luo, Y., Zeng, Y., Peng, J., Zhang, K., Wang, L., Feng, T., Nhamdriel, T., & Fan, G. (2023). Phytochemicals for the treatment of metabolic diseases: Evidence from clinical studies. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 165, 115274.

  6. (2023, August 7). Berberine benefits, dosage, and side effects. Examine.


  7. WebMD. (n.d.). Berberine: Overview, uses, side effects, precautions, interactions, dosing and reviews. WebMD.

