Big plans for Labor Day weekend? While a 3-day weekend is always welcome, wellness often takes a back seat to end-of-summer celebrations. And it's no secret that a boozy weekend, filled with sun and burgers, can leave you feeling suboptimal well into September.
With that in mind, we've rounded up the best content on enjoying the holiday weekend without unraveling your health.
Cheers to a fun, safe, and healthy holiday!
Eating charred meat and poultry has been linked with increased cancer risk in observational studies. Learn about the chemical changes that happen during cooking, plus grilling best practices in this piece.
Be sure to cover up if you're planning on drinking this weekend. Emerging research suggests that alcohol makes you more susceptible to sun damage.
Dehydration can sneak up on you and progress quickly, especially when alcohol is involved. Brain fog, bad breath, and craving sweet foods are subtle signs that you're running low on fluid.
Using the same plates for raw and cooked food, defrosting meats at room temperature, and leaving leftovers out for hours, are common culprits for foodborne illness.
Disclaimer: The text, images, videos, and other media on this page are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to treat, diagnose or replace personalized medical care.