Have you been feeling increasingly anxious about current events? You're not alone. With so much going on, it's hard not to worry about the state of the world. And as you know, stress (especially chronic stress) can have a prolific impact on mood, susceptibility to illness, blood sugar, metabolism, and more. So what can you do to take care of yourself during these stressful times?
In this edition, we're sharing some of the best ways for you to destress to protect your health. We're not saying that you should ignore what's going on around us - these suggestions are simply meant to provide some temporary relief from all the insanity.
Let's all take a collective breath in and slowly exhale to calm those anxious thoughts. Be well, Elos!
Chronic stress can lead to a myriad of metabolic changes such as elevated blood sugar, food cravings, and weight gain. Here are a few ideas for keeping a lid on your stress levels.
Are you having trouble sleeping at the moment? Poor sleep and rising stress levels go hand-in-hand. These supplements may help promote deep, restorative sleep.
Focusing can be difficult during stressful times, especially when stress leads to endless fast-burning, sugary snacks. These foods can help you stay calm and carry on.
While anti-anxiety medications can be useful for some, natural remedies such as regular exercise, camomile tea, meditation, and limiting caffeine have also been shown to be beneficial.
10% Happier: How I tamed the voice inside my head, and reduced stress without losing my edge
Love for imperfect things: How to accept yourself in a world striving for perfection
Disclaimer: The text, images, videos, and other media on this page are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to treat, diagnose or replace personalized medical care.