What medications should not be taken with turmeric?

This question is about Nutrition

Sarah Achleithner

Medications that should not be taken with turmeric include iron supplements, blood clotting medication, blood thinners, antacids, and other herbal supplements that can lower blood sugar [





Before adding turmeric to your supplement routine, talk with your doctor to see if this supplement is right for you.

Assortment of medications


  1. Smith, T. J., & Ashar, B. H. (2019). Iron Deficiency Anemia Due to High-dose Turmeric. Cureus, 11(1), e3858.



  2. Shaikh, Dr. J. (2022, March 9). Which medications should not be taken with turmeric? MedicineNet. https://www.medicinenet.com/which_medications_not_to_take_with_turmeric/article.htm
