Issue 17: Best biohacks

Biohacking officially entered the world in the late 1980s, however, the concept of improving one's health through experimentation and incremental changes has been around for centuries. Today, biohacking encompasses everything from yoga and meditation to intermittent fasting, nootropics and cryotherapy. Unfortunately, not all of them are supported by science. With that in mind, we've surfaced some of the best science-backed biohacks to help you feel better than ever.

1. Vitamin D: A basic but essential biohack.

Roughly 90% of Elo members start with low vitamin D. Here's why you should be paying attention to your vitamin D level, especially as winter approaches. 

2. Caffeine and sports performance: Friend or foe?

Looking for ways to improve sports performance, energy levels, and endurance? Caffeine may be the answer but only in moderation. Plus, tolerance might dampen the effects. 

3. The best and worst foods for focus.

Whether you’re running a marathon or finishing a presentation, focus can be the difference between failure and success. What you put on your fork matters more than you think.

assorted berries in a white bowl

4. Why should add HRV to your training metrics.

HRV simply refers to the variance in time between your heartbeats. Monitoring HRV can help identify when to push and when to reduce your training load. 

5. Does intermittent fasting improve longevity?

Intermittent fasting influences hormone levels, cell repair, metabolic rate, and now, one study indicates that it may reduce all-cause mortality

6. Pros & cons of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).

Ari Tulla wearing Levels Health CGM

Whether you want to fine-tune your diet or optimize sports performance, monitoring glucose levels is a way to gain a deeper insight into your health. Elo CEO, Ari Tulla, tried CGM with Levels Health for an entire year to see if it was beneficial. 

Disclaimer: The text, images, videos, and other media on this page are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to treat, diagnose or replace personalized medical care.